Thursday, December 23, 2010
Mengimbau kembali pengalaman....
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Balik dulu..=)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Suda Maw bliK Daa
This is not the end, this is not the beginning
Just a voice like a riot rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone and the violent rhythm
Though the words sound steady something's empty within them
We say yeah with fists flying up in the air
Like we're holding onto something that's invisible there
Cause we're living at the mercy of the pain and the fear
Until we dead it, forget it, let it all disappear
Waiting for the end to come
Wishing I had strength to stand
This is not what I had planned
It's out of my control
Flying at the speed of light
Thoughts were spinning in my head
So many things were left unsaid
It's hard to let you go
I know what it takes to move on
I know how it feels to lie
All I want to do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
Sitting in an empty room
Trying to forget the past
This was never meant to last
I wish it wasn't so
I know what it takes to move on
I know how it feels to lie
All I want to do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
What was left when that fire was gone
I thought it felt right but that right was wrong
All caught up in the eye of the storm
And trying to figure out what it's like moving on
And I don't even know what kind of things I said
My mouth kept moving and my mind went dead
So I'm picking up the pieces, now where to begin
The hardest part of ending is starting again
[Chester(till end):]
All I want to do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
I'm holding on to what I haven't got
I'm holding on to what I haven't got
This is not the end, this is not the beginning
Just a voice like a riot rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone and the violent rhythm
Though the words sound steady something's empty within them
We say yeah with fists flying up in the air
Like we're holding onto something that's invisible there
Cause we're living at the mercy of the pain and the fear
Until we dead it, forget it let it all disappear
Monday, December 13, 2010
baw nk update....kihkih
Saturday, October 9, 2010
kepasrahan membawa kebahagiaan
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
assalamualaikum dan salam sjahtera
huuuuu...b'mula laa lembaran bru ak menaip mlalui blog..hahaha..
ak baru je buat blog nie....hua..hua..hua...
entah pape pikiran plak nk buat blog...
da laa x reti lansung nk manage blog ni mcmne..
pening juge laa nk blaja nye...
tp xpe..lambat laun 6ti ak pandai gak nk gune blog ni
mule2 mmg laa cmnie....hahaha...apo nk dikato...kihkihkih
haaa..slah satu tujuan ak buat blog nie ak nk share citer ak..
mklum lah...bile rse sunyi sangat mgkin blog nie boleh buat ak x sunyi..
lau de pape yg t'buku kat dlam hati nie boleh jgak ak luahkan dkat blog nie...
kirenye blog nie boleh buat jd member ak jgak laa...hahaha...apo laa ak mrepek nie...
mlalui blog nie, ak boleh jgak bg pndangan, nasihat tok diri sndiri ngan kwan2....
mcm2 info laa bley kongsi...
satu ag sbb ak de pikiran nk buat blog nie bile ak mule bce blog org laen...
agak t'buke jgak laa minda ak nie...
mnambhkan info2 t'kini dan dpat mngenali seseorang dengan lbih mndalam...
mklum laa..rmai yg gune blog untuk melepaskan perasaan masing2...
eh lupe plak nk knalkan dri sndiri...
bile da bnyk merepek nie boleh t'lupe plak...kihkih...
nme pnuh ak Ahmad Hamizan Nu'man...
lau kat umah ngan kat univrsiti ak blaja skrg org pggil ak mizan...
lau nk best ag tmbh tengku kat dpan..jd laa tengku mizan trus..hahaha
tp dulu kat matrik org pggil ak mat pek...hahaha...
sbb ak krus diorg ckap...hahaha...lgsung pggil ak mat pek...ak time je laa....
ak nie org bese jer...umor ak skrg nie 19 bru...lau ikut thun umor ak 20..haha...
tp xnk ngaku 20 ag..kihkih..tggu smpai trikh lahir bru nk ngaku...hihi
asal ak org ganu ak nie..hahaha..
skunk nie ak blaja kat ukm, bangi...
pe lagi ak nak mrepek nie pon x tahu...
xpe lah...stakat nie je laa dulu...
mlas nk mrepek daa nie....